KiwiSaver is an easy and affordable way to save towards your retirement.
There are three different types of information or advice you can receive.
Ask any person who offers to talk to you about KiwiSaver to tell you which type they provide:
1. No Advice – You will only receive general information.
The sales representative will be able to answer any general question you may have and provide you with some basic factual information about the scheme.
They cannot give you any advice. You will receive information only
You will need to form your own opinion.
2. Class Advice – You will receive generic advice.
The sales representative will be able to advise you about what is usually suitable for people in your group.
They cannot give you advice about your own individual needs and their advice won’t take into account your personal situation.
You will need to form your own opinion.
3. Personalised Advice – You will receive advice tailored to your personal circumstances.
The adviser can help you weigh up whether you should get into KiwiSaver, and if so, whether the KiwiSaver scheme they represent is suitable for you and which fund is best.
You’ll be receiving personalised financial advice that you can expect has taken into account your personal situation and some of your investment goals.
The adviser will give you an opinion about whether a particular KiwiSaver scheme is right for you and which fund to join. You should then consider this advice.
If you would like us to send you a copy of the FMA’s brochure please do not hesitate to contact us: Freephone 0800 66 66 78 or email