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KiwiSaver Advice

Comprehensive KiwiSaver advice throughout Northland

By participating in a KiwiSaver account, you can take charge of your financial future. The longer and more you invest in your KiwiSaver account, the more money you could have either to buy your first home or to fund your retirement.

Government and employer KiwiSaver contributions, as well as your own, will help you build your retirement wealth.

For many New Zealanders, KiwiSaver is our first investment experience, but do you know if it’s being managed and if your funds are invested in line with your needs and goals? We will give you sound Kiwisaver advice to help you on your way.

If you are under 65, you should consider joining KiwiSaver. It’s to your own advantage to start saving early. The key is to choose a KiwiSaver scheme that is appropriate to your personal situation. There are many KiwiSaver schemes to choose from, but you can invest in only one. We can help you understand the options and explore which provider and fund management type is right for you.

Why you need to start KiwiSaver now

Any New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident can join KiwiSaver, regardless of their age, wealth or employment status. It’s a simple way to invest and save for retirement or a deposit for your first home.

Enrolling yourself, and your children, in KiwiSaver is a smart investment in the future. For young people, KiwiSaver can provide greater financial security and a head start in achieving their financial goals.


It’s an easy way to save

The benefits of KiwiSaver build up from day one


Save for a home deposit

If eligible, you can withdraw funds for your first home


Earn on contributions

The government will add up to $521.43 each year


More comfort in retirement

Living on NZ Superannuation alone will be tough

Is your current KiwiSaver fund right for you?

If you set up your KiwiSaver account a while ago, you may not even know who your provider is or what type of fund your savings are in. However, choosing to save into a KiwiSaver scheme, with which provider and at what level of risk (defensive, conservative, balanced, growth or aggressive), are important financial decisions.

It’s always a good time to check and see if your current KiwiSaver fund is still the right one for your goals and situation. This is not just about fees and returns, as the value of your investments will fluctuate regardless of who manages your funds. If you are passionate about sustainability or want to avoid certain industries such as tobacco, oil and coal, that can also be taken into consideration.

Maybe you feel like your current provider isn’t transparent enough, or the level of service isn’t meeting your expectations. Whatever the reason, know that you can switch KiwiSaver providers whenever you want. If you are already a member, you can use our fuss-free process. For sound KiwiSaver advice in Northland, get in touch with Bill anytime.

Questions and answers about KiwiSaver

How do I know where my KiwiSaver investment is managed?

If you’re a KiwiSaver member and you are unsure of where your funds are being managed, get in touch with Inland Revenue or log in to myIR and look in the KiwiSaver section. The information you need, including contact details, will be there. You can also call 0800 KIWISAVER or log in to My KiwiSaver to find out who your current provider is.

Is the default KiwiSaver scheme right for me?

If you didn’t choose a provider when you first signed up for KiwiSaver, your account would have been put into a “default” fund. This was done to get you started, until you got around to making a choice yourself. If you gave it the set-and-forget approach, you’re not alone. Lots of Kiwis are just rolling with it, but your current KiwiSaver scheme may not be the right choice for you. It all depends on your situation, your preferences, and your financial goals. 

Is KiwiSaver enough for my retirement?

New Zealand Superannuation and KiwiSaver certainly helps when you turn 65 and decide to stop working, but for most Kiwis, it won't be enough to pay for the kind of lifestyle they want. In addition to Super and KiwiSaver, almost all of us will need additional savings. For more information and an obligation-free chat, book a free one-hour session with Bill.

Where does my KiwiSaver money go?

All contributions go into your KiwiSaver account, which is part of a larger fund managed by a private KiwiSaver provider. Your KiwiSaver account is in your name, and it is your money. Your provider then invests your money into different assets like shares, fixed interest and property, depending on the type of fund you’ve chosen.

The more informed you are as a KiwiSaver investor, the better the decisions you’ll make.